Research Images

Since learning to draw requires learning how to see, looking at accomplished artists’ renderings throughout history is an important discipline to maintain.

Throughout the semester, you will be responsible for researching online for images (drawing, painting, photo, advertisement, pattern, etc.) that hold either a visual or conceptual interest for you. You will select 4 images each time.

Google Art Project is a good place to start looking, I will also provide a list of artists to get you started (see link below). These images should exhibit examples of concepts we address in class. Obtain a digital copy of each image (it is easiest to right click “copy image”, then paste into a word document) and type a short synopsis (1 paragraph) of it and how it pertains to the concepts covered in class. Upload the word document in Canvas, or input the information directly (I will cover how to do this in class). THESE WILL BE UNAVAILABLE FOR UPLOAD AFTER 11:59PM ON THE DUE DATE!! Do not put this off!! I guarantee that it will help your drawing! Routinely looking at successful images will sharpen the practice of routinely making them.

Sample Research Image Document

Artist List